The pants are completely wearable, including all the fastening (for which we used Velcro)and I just need to add belt loops and come up with a decoration design.
I'm almost done with the decorations on the jacket, and I also need to add a button (I decided to attach the button with duct tape and the shape required to do that looked remarkably like a Star Wars TIE fighter).
The shirt needs the most work, but that's just attaching Velcro and finishing the silver vest.
I'm mostly focusing on accessories now, because my dress is pretty much done except for a whole lot of stars which aren't completely necessary. I'm trying to hit all of the Honorable Mentions categories: Best Purse, Best Corsage, Best Shoes, Best Tie, Best Jewelry, and Best Prop. Although those are only for the entries not in the Top Ten, I hope that being great in all of the accessories they expect us to have will give us an edge.
The tie is done except for Velcro to fasten it (since last I heard), but I didn’t snap a picture of the design.
For the prop, most people do a cane of some sort, and we'll probably do that too if we can find a cane to use. For now, I made a fan. You can see in the pictures how I made the staves myself out of wooden skewers and popsicle sticks by making a tube of black duct tape arount the popsicle stick that I filled with hot glue to stick the skewer into. It took me about 4 hours and I finished off another black roll. I've lost count of those again, and I'm just going to have to sit down one day with Alex and do a mental count of how many rolls each project took us. I wonder if experimenting and mess-ups count as well...
I haven't figured out what to do about jewelry yet, but I made myself a pair of duct tape faux lashes and yes, I plan to wear them.
Oh! And I also finished my dress collar. I'll put all the pictures down below, including one of my purse. Note: The pictures of the dress collar and the front of the fan are in black and white. I'm not giving all of it away yet...

omg! you must show me how you did thissss... i was going to make a fan too. (of course not outof ducttape. ^-^ )
ReplyDeleteI have no idea how to do it with something other than duct tape, but I just made two one-sided sheets of duct tape, positioned the staves open, and stuck the sheets together on either side of them. I cut the shape around it and added decorations afterwards.