Whew! Now all we have to do is wait...
So there were a lot of curve balls thrown at us while we were filling out the entry forms online.
First of all, I'd looked at the descriptive blurbs and guessed that there was a 100 word limit to them. So, I wrote a 98 word description ahead of time. When I got to the requirements for that, the limit was actually 500 characters, including spaces. So we took a while to edit the blurb, because I used a lot of big words and was about 80 characters over.
Secondly, there were a few requirements for the pictures that were NOT in the official rules, which only says 1 to 5 high resolution photos. We debated what to do for a good 15 minutes before we decided that 5"x7" 300 dpi only applied to scanned photos. Since the images were directly from my computer, I had no idea how to measure them like that. So we just cropped our tango photo to a 5x7 dimension and turned them in as is. Hopefully anyone entering in future years will see this and not be suprised. That's partly why I'm doing this...
And just because, here's our accessories collage!
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